❃ Basic Expressions
안녕하세요[ annyong haseyo ]
안녕[ annyong ]
고맙습니다[ gomapseumnida ]
Thank you.
감사합니다[ gamsa hamnida ]
Thank you.
아니에요[ anieyo ]
You're welcome.
아닙니다[ animnida ]
You're welcome.
죄송합니다[ joesong hamnida ]
미안합니다[ mianhamnida ]
안녕히 가세요.[ annyeonghi gaseyo ]
안녕히 계세요.[ annyeonghi gyeseyo ]
네[ ne ]
아니요[ aniyo ]
❃ Restaurant
여기요[ yeogiyo ]
Excuse me! (calling a waiter)
저기요[ jeogiyo ]
Excuse me! (calling a waiter)
여기 메뉴판 주세요.[ yeogi menyupan juseyo. ]
Please give me the menu.
뭐 드릴까요?[ mwo deurilkkayo ]
What would you like?
주문하시겠어요.[ jumunhasigesseoyo ]
Would you like to order?
주문할게요.[ jumunhalgeyo ]
I'd like to order.
비빔밥 주세요.[ bibimbap juseyo ]
Bibimbap please
라면하고 된장찌개 주세요.[ ramyeon hago doenjangjjigae juseyo ]
Un ramyeon et un doenjang-jjigae please.
물 좀 주세요.[ mul jom juseyo ]
Please give me some water.
비건 음식이 있어요?[ bigeon eumsigi isseoyo? ]
Do you have any vegan dishes?
❃ Language
한국어를 조금 할 수 있어요[ hangugeoreul jogeum hal su isseoyo ]
I can speak a little Korean.
한국어/프랑스어/영어을 할 수 있어요?[ hangugeo/peurangseueo/yeongeoeul hal su isseoyo? ]
Can you speak Korean/French/English?
천천히 말해 주세요.[ cheoncheonhi malhae juseyo. ]
Please speak slowly.
적어 주세요[ jeogeo juseyo ]
Please write it down.
다시 말씀 해주시겠어요?[ dasi malsseum haejusigesseoyo? ]
Could you please repeat that?
한국어로 뭐라고 해요?[ hangugeoro mworago haeyo? ]
How do you say it in Korean?
알겠습니다 / 이해했습니다[ algetseumnida / ihaehaetseumnida ]
I understand
알겠어요 / 이해해요[ algesseoyo / ihaehaeyo ]
I understand
이해가 안 돼요[ ihaega an dwaeyo ]
I don't understand.
❃ Taxi
택시를 불러 주실래요?[ taeksireul bulleo jusillaeyo? ]
Could you call me a taxi, please?
어디까지 가세요?[ eodikkaji gaseyo? ]
Where would you like to go?
어디로 모실까요?[ eodiro mosilkkayo ]
Where can I take you?
서울로 가 주세요.[ seoullo ga juseyo ]
Please go to Seoul.
경복궁에 가 주세요.[ gyeongbogunge ga juseyo. ]
Please go to Gyeongbokgung Palace.
좀 더 천천히/빨리 운전해 주세요.[ jom deo cheoncheonhi/ppalli unjeonhae juseyo. ]
Please drive more slowly/quickly.
이곳으로 가 주세요.[ igoseuro ga juseyo ]
Please go to this place.
여기서 내려 주세요.[ yeogiseo naeryeo juseyo ]
Let me get off here, please.
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