Your online Korean course

Understand and speak Korean
Turn your passion for Korean culture into language skills! Start using the language
Real Dialogues
Exercises for master
Grammar and Vocabulary Sheets

Intuitive method for speaking with confidence
A courses allowing you to learn Korean from zero and continue to an advanced level, this means that you will be able to learn your first words and sentences. And then, continue with us to be able to perfect your level.

Simple and practical dialogues that are easy to reuse in real situations.

Vocabulary and expressions explained to help you choose the right words.

Understand grammar with concise explanations and practical examples.

Innovative guides allowing you to understand everything in detail.
Your roadmap
Designed by bilinguals and native Korean, our pedagogy allows you to avoid most of the mistakes made by beginners in Korean. By moving forward in the method, most questions naturally find their answers. It is magic!
Learn Korean seriously
Want to learn Korean? You are in the right place. Our course begins with the characteristics of the language then goes through learning to write and read Hangeul (Korean alphabet) to continue with more than 300 real lessons allowing you to say your first sentences very quickly. Each lesson includes dialogue, explanation, audio, vocabulary and exercises. Plus there are many extra things to make you're Korean more robust like themed vocabulary, grammar sheets and guides to help you understand better.
How it works?
Our modules are divided with the common European framework of reference for languages - CEFR (A1,A2,B1...). The courses are by level including approximately 15 courses and more than 300 lessons each. Everything is accompanied by exercises, grammar sheets, additional vocabulary and guide selected by level. It takes approximately 10 months of daily study per learning level.

Here is the detailed content of the course
Designed by bilinguals and native Korean, our pedagogy allows you to avoid most of the mistakes made by beginners in Korean. By moving forward in the method, most questions naturally find their answers. It is magic!

Learn Hangeul
2 weeks
1 module
14 lessons
Learn the Korean alphabet named Hangeul in 14 days of learning and learn to recognize, read, write and pronounce Hangeul. After that, you can head to class and start...
Course curriculum
1/ 한글 The Korean alphabet
14 Lessons
Learn the Korean language alphabet in this course. We have divided the alphabet into 7 lessons to make it easier to assimilate. You will also find various practice exercises to learn to read Korean words. At the end of this course you will be able to read and write the 24 Hangeul letters.

2-5 days
1 module
8 lessons
In this track, we will introduce you to the Korean language, and we are going to teach you various essential things that will give you all the keys necessary to lear...
Course curriculum
1/ 한국어의 이해 Understanding the Korean language
8 Lessons
This short introductory course introduces you to the Korean language, how it works and how to learn with our method. Here you will find the important elements allowing you to better progress in the language and also to make the best use of our approach. We will also give you tips to make it easier to learn Korean. Let's see how the method works and also find out how the Korean language works.

11 months
15 modules
329 lessons
Now that you have learned the basics of the Korean language, we will move on to more interesting topics. In this A1 level course, we will learn the essential grammar...
Course curriculum
1/ 인사 표현 Greetings
25 Lessons
In this module, you will learn all the basic expressions commonly used in Korean. We'll cover essential phrases like "hello, thank you, sorry" and many more. Let's start this exciting adventure towards mastering common Korean expressions now!
2/ 이다, 있다 To have, to be
18 Lessons
In this module, we will create our first simple sentences in Korean. We will see how to ask simple questions, how to answer them, the affirmative form and the negative form. After this lesson, you will understand the simple sentence.
3/ 대명사 Pronouns
10 Lessons
We will introduce you to the different common pronouns and we will also explain how to use them in common way. In Korean, the uses are sometimes very different from English. Let's see it all together.
4/ 소개 To introduce yourself
22 Lessons
In this module, we will see how to ask and say your name, your nationality, and respond affirmatively and negatively. We will also see how to say delighted and delighted to meet you. By the end of this module, you will be able to easily introduce yourself in Korean as well as ask (and tell) a person's nationality and profession.
5/ 이 그 저 This, that
23 Lessons
In this module, we will learn the different words to indicate the spatial position of an object or a person. In Korean, the place of the object is a factor that will determine which word we will use to designate it. Throughout this module, you will learn these different words to be able to ask a question and answer it. At the end of this module, you will be able to use these different words to talk about objects or people near or far from you.
6/ 질문하기 Ask a question
24 Lessons
In this module, you will be able to learn the most common Korean question words. You will be able to learn the 5 basic question words. In fact, you have already learned some of them. In this module, we will review those already learned to be able to use them better as well as new ones. After this module, you will be able to ask simple questions and answer them with the most common question words.
7/ 위치 Locations
14 Lessons
In this module, we'll look at common words used to locate a person, a thing or an object. There are quite a few position words in Korean, so we'll also be learning some useful grammar for constructing sentences and a number of new words. After this module, you'll be able to easily indicate the position of an object, thing or person, and also ask for the position of a person, thing or object.
8/ 가족 Family
22 Lessons
In this module, we will learn the different words to talk about the family. The family in Korean is a bit more complicated than in English. For example, the words may vary depending on whether you are a girl or a boy. But also when in French many words designate a category in general, in Korean each member of the family has its name. We will see the most common ones through this module and help you use them correctly. After this course, you will know the basic words to introduce your family and talk about a person's family.
9/ 숫자 Numbers
20 Lessons
In this module, we will show you the numbers in Korean and how to use them. We will see the basic numbers as well as the numbers above so you can ask or figure out the price or even a phone number. At the end of this module, you will be able to count.
10/ 시간 표현 Expressions of time
20 Lessons
In this module, we will discuss expressions of time. You will be able to speak with words morning, evening, today, yesterday etc. We will also see how to ask for the date, say the days and the months. It sounds like a lot of stuff, but knowing the numbers, you'll see that telling the date is really easy. We will also learn how to construct the past form. At the end of this module, you will be able to express the date, speak with the expressions of time as well as speak in the past.
11/ 장소 Places
28 Lessons
In this module, we will learn how to speak about places, how to ask to go somewhere, we will also see negation, how to connect two sentences, how to express method and direction as well as specify how to express “with” in Korean. We will also learn how to talk about an action having taken place before another action. At the end of this module, you will be able to easily express these various points.
12/ 요일 Days of the week
20 Lessons
In this module, we will learn the days of the week and their use in sentences. We will also have more words expressing time but also how to express purpose. We will also learn the future tense as well as how to express a future intention. At the end of this module, you will be able to express future tense, goal and intention in Korean. You will also know new words to express time.
13/ 시간 Time
26 Lessons
In this module, we will learn the time in Korean, we will also learn the numbers called native Korean which correspond to the second common way of counting. We will learn over time how the Korean language mixes two number systems. We will also learn how to express the duration of time from point A to point B. At the end of this module, you will know native Korean numbers and you will be able to express yourself about time in Korean.
14/ 주말 Weekend
24 Lessons
In this module, we will learn how to communicate in daily life using common words and expressions. We will also see how to express a wish or desire, as well as how to explain that one action is the reason for another. This will also be an opportunity to review various words and grammar points. At the end of this module, you will be able to explain the reason for something, talk about your wishes or desires, and discuss your daily life.
15/ 일상생활 Everyday life
27 Lessons
Let's talk a little about everyday life, in this module, we will learn various words and sentence construction to help you talk about simple everyday things. We will also learn how to connect two pieces of sentences to create longer sentences as well as the structures to talk about action over time. After this module, you will be able to easily start conversations in Korean.

Beginner Vocabulary
27 Lessons
+270 words
Learn the words at the beginner level of the Korean language. Through this course, you will learn all the basic words to express yourself on various subjects of dail...
Course curriculum
1/ 색깔 - Colours Part 1
2/ 요일 - Days of the Week Full
3/ 월 - Months Full
4/ 자연 - Nature Part 1
5/ 일 - Days Part 1
6/ 일 - Days Part 2
7/ 일 - Days Part 3
8/ 교통 - Transportation Part 1
9/ 교통 - Transportation Part 2
10/ 직업 - Occupations Part 1
11/ 직업 - Occupations Part 2
12/ 직업 - Occupations Part 3
13/ 직업 - Occupations Part 4
14/ 음료 - Beverages Part 1
15/ 음료 - Beverages Part 2
16/ 가족 - Family Part 1
17/ 가족 - Family Part 2
18/ 동물 - Animals Part 1
19/ 동물 - Animals Part 2
20/ 캘린더 - Calendar Full
21/ 동사 - Verbs Part 1
22/ 동사 - Verbs Part 2
23/ 동사 - Verbs Part 3
24/ 동사 - Verbs Part 4
25/ 동사 - Verbs Part 5
26/ 나라 - Country Part 1
27/ 나라 - Country Part 2

We will continue to learn essential grammar in Korean. We will also learn other words and expressions so that you can express yourself better in Korean. After comple...
Available in 2025

Elementary Vocabulary
We continue with our basic vocabulary. We suggest that you continue with the themed vocabulary as for the first course. You will be able to progress and be able to s...
Available in 2025

A practical course to learn the language easily and methodically, you will be able to quickly express your first sentences.

We also offer vocabulary lessons to develop your general knowledge of words and their uses.

Go into more detail to better understand the intricacies of the language. A real plus in learning.
Also included
* (Optional Features)
for only €9.99/month or €99.99/year. (Promo price)

Start now and receive your starter kit 👀
A cheat sheet, Hangeul wallpapers and two e-books: Basic Korean and Hangeul My Writing Book.
Maximise your success: Subscribe and receive your free starter pack!
Value: 60 euros
Open the door to the Korean language
Choose between a companion with or without a teacher. Support from a teacher helps you in case of doubt and answers your questions about the course.
without a teacher -33%*
euros / month
Enjoy unlimited access per month the track, the courses, all the lessons, the guides, the vocabulary and the grammar.
with a teacher -33%*
euros / month
Enjoy unlimited access per month with a teacher and the track, the courses, all the lessons, the guides, the vocabulary and the grammar.
without a teacher -33%*
euros / year
2 months free
Enjoy unlimited access per year the track, the courses, all the lessons, the guides, the vocabulary and the grammar.
with a teacher -33%*
euros / year
2 months free
Enjoy unlimited access per year with a teacher and the track, the courses, all the lessons, the guides, the vocabulary and the grammar.
* Japanese is not included in the price.
Included in the subscription
CourseMore than 350 lessons to reach A2 level. (hangeul/alphabet course included)
VocabularyMore than 1500 words with exercises and audio to enrich your vocabulary.
GrammarGrammar worksheets to review and deepen Korean sentence structures.
GuideGuides to help you better understand the different subtleties of Korean.
ExercisesVarious exercises to practice listening, reading and understanding the language.
Automatic revisionLessons with a built-in revision system for effortless review.
HelpYou are not alone, our teachers help you by answering all your questions about the Korean language.*
CommunityBecause with other people it is more motivating, our community is waiting for you to learn together.
- And even more !

Do you have any questions?
We answer you!
Is this program right for me?
If you are a beginner with no knowledge or a false beginner with some knowledge, this program will help you take the first step in understanding and speaking Korean. If you already have some knowledge of Korean, this program will help you reactivate your knowledge to speak more easily.
Feel free to look at the program or see the grammar points covered. And after that, if everything seems too simple, this program is not for you.
How long does my access last?
Once your registration in the program is effective, until you decide to stop.
How do I cancel my subscription?
To cancel your subscription, you can log in to your account and access the subscription management page. From there, you should be able to cancel your subscription and have access until your last payment is completed.
How long will the program take me?
The courses are by level comprising approximately 15 modules and over 300 lessons each. It takes approximately 10-11 months per learning path. We have written the lessons expressly in a small format so that you can learn in 10-30 minutes a day.
The advantage is that you can learn with less effort and all while advancing in understanding and using the language.
Our method is based on good regular language learning habits while also offering you additional material for the days when you have more time.
I only subscribe for one course?
When you subscribe to our program, you have access to the course as well as the vocabulary and grammar supplement as well as guides allowing you to go into more detail in the language. You also have access to future new lessons or sheets that will be added.
What level will I reach?
We offer courses based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR or CEFR). The course currently available is A1 and allows you to reach an A2 level. Level A2 allowing you to reach level B1 is currently being written and will be available this year.
Can I follow the course in addition?
Yes, you can follow this course in addition to another course, a book, an application or others. This online course can be used as main learning material or as complementary material.